[Get] How To Remove Visual Composer Active Your Copy Nag

How To Remove Visual Composer Active Your Copy Nag

Tired of the message “Hola! Please activate your copy of Visual Composer to receive automatic updates.”?

Here’s a Quick Way of Turning it off. Put this in your themes Functions.php file:

setcookie(‘vchideactivationmsg’, ‘1’, strtotime(‘+3 years’), ‘/’);
setcookie(‘vchideactivationmsg_vc11’, (defined(‘WPB_VC_VERSION’) ? WPB_VC_VERSION : ‘1’), strtotime(‘+3 years’), ‘/’);

Or, you can save the snippet below as stop-vc-nag.php, put it in your wp-content/plugins folder and activate the “Stop Visual Composer Activation Nag” plugin!

Plugin Name: Stop Visual Composer Activation Nag
Plugin URI:
Version: 2016.08.23
Author: Babak
Author URI: https://null-24.com
License: GPL2
add_action(‘admin_init’, function()
    if(is_admin()) {
        setcookie(‘vchideactivationmsg’, ‘1’, strtotime(‘+3 years’), ‘/’);
        setcookie(‘vchideactivationmsg_vc11’, (defined(‘WPB_VC_VERSION’) ? WPB_VC_VERSION : ‘1’), strtotime(‘+3 years’), ‘/’);

Disable Visual Composer Ultimate Addons nag
To disable this nag you have to add the lines below to your wp-config.php file:


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