Premium SEO Pack v2.0.5 – WordPress SEO Plugin on Codecanyon Last Update 11 May 17 | Download Premium SEO Pack v2.0.5 Free on Null24.
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Premium SEO Pack v2.0.5 – WordPress SEO Plugin is the ultimate tool for optimizing your website for today’s search engines. Premium SEO Pack contains all the features that you would expect to find in dozens of different WordPress plugins, plus it includes unique features that you just cannot find anywhere else.
Premium SEO Pack v2.0.5 Changelog
[2.0.5] – 07.04.2017
– module “Backlink Builder”: marked as deprecated (it will not be maintaned anymore)
– social meta facebook: post/page/post type, og:image meta tag is now retrieved based on this priority fallback queue (order by importance from top to bottom – most important are first): 1. the image set in “Page SEO Settings” box / Social Settings tab, 2. the post featured image, 3. we try to find the image from custom field (if you choose to set this field), 4. we try to use the first image in the post (page or custom post type) content (with shortcodes too), 5. the default image from “Title & Meta Format” module / Social Meta / General / “Default Image” option
– social meta facebook: category/tag/custom taxonomy, og:image meta tag is now retrieved based on this priority fallback queue (order by importance from top to bottom – most important are first): 1. we try to find the image from custom field (if you choose to set this field) – As of WordPress 4.4 a new termmeta functionality was introduced which allows you to create custom fields for categories, tags, taxonomies, 2. we try to use the first image in the category (tag or custom taxonomy) content (with shortcodes too), 3. the default image from “Title & Meta Format” module / Social Meta / General / “Default Image” option
– social meta facebook: you can choose now a Facebook Image in the “Page SEO Settings” box / Social Settings tab, on the category/tag/custom taxonomy, admin edit details pages
– social meta facebook: homepage default modification: If in WordPress Settings / Reading Settings / option “Front page displays” you choose “A static page” and for “Front Page” you select a page, then the values you’ve completed on it’s edit details “Page SEO Settings” box / Social Settings tab, will override the settings from “Title & Meta Format” module / Social Meta / Homepage.
– twitter cards: made some changes so it can work better for default settings
– twitter cards: we’ve removed the following deprecated ones: Photo Card, Gallery Card, Product Card
– the “Page SEO Settings” box on each admin edit details page let you choose specific values for posts, pages, custom post types, categories, tags and custom taxonomies for: facebook social meta and twitter cards
– meta tags: added a html5 placeholder for meta tags seo title, description & keywords, in “Mass Optimization” module / Quick Edit/ and also on the “Page SEO Settings” box on each admin edit details page (helps you to know the current default value for that field if you have one)
– meta tags: verified with buddypress & bbpress forums
– meta tags: when you activate the “Title & Meta Format” module in “Modules Manager”, you will be redirected to module page and the default settings are automatically saved (if you have existent saved values for settings, they will not be overridden)
– meta tags: added settings for “Custom Post Type” and “Custom Taxonomy” as sub-tabs for “Title Format”, “Meta Description”, “Meta Keywords”, “Meta Robots”; also we’ve removed the following settings “Product Title Format”, “Product Meta Description”, “Product Meta Keywords”, “Product Meta Robots” – for compatibility with old plugin versions, you can set this WooCommerce “Product” properties inside “Custom Post Type” sub-tabs