Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress v3.3 – Envato market’s best-selling social sharing plugin for WordPress Easy Social Share Buttons is all-in-one social sharing plugin for WordPress that allows you supercharge your social shares, monitor, analyze, optimize and increase your social popularity. With Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress you will take your social sharing & following on a next level.
Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress v3.3 allows you to share on more than 40 of major social networks including wide range of mobile sharing options and in addition you have Love this button, Comments button, Send to mail and Print. Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress also includes 12 native social like, follow and subscribe buttons which will increase your social following and social proof. Plugin gives you the freedom to control every aspect of display but also we simplify the initial setting with easy to use quick setup wizard.
Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress v3.3 has 19 build in automated display button methods and 7 powerful shortcodes to meet any social sharing need that you have. We know that your website needs to be readable on all devices while still allowing visitors to share your web pages. Our social sharing plugin provides you mobile optimized display methods that can be used even on smallest devices. Measuring the social activity is also very simple with Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress v3.3 as it comes with build-in modules for Click log analytics, Google Analytics Tracking, Social Media Metrics.
Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress v3.3 (January 04, 2016)
new New display position Full screen hero share
new Option to used background cached counters (counters updated on interval of time – improves load of page)
new Share counter recovery function (various url structure changes, change from http to https, from https to http, domain name change, manual recovery)
new 5 new templates: Jumbo Retina, Jumbo Rounded Retina, Fancy Retina, Deluxe Retina, Modern Slim Retina
new Telegram sharing included
new New counter position Top
new New shortcode [ easy-total-fans ] to display total fans counter value only
new Option to hide mobile share buttons bar before page end (to allow full footer be visible) with customizable percent
new Option to set custom width of first two buttons when full width display mode is selected
new Included parameters {title}, {excerpt}, {image}, {permalink} that can be used in fly in, pop up, top bar and bottom bar to display current post details
new Integration in Social Share Optimization tags with Yoast SEO – your seo information will automatically appear in Social Share Optimization meta tags
new Frontpage settings for Social Share Optimization
new Trigger to display pop up with shares on exit intent
new On media sharing is captured by build in analytics
new Precompiled resource load – build all styles that allow into single cached file
update Update Flickr fans counter
update Updated fans counter color customizer to support round icon templates
update Weibo sharing to latest changes
update Updated link to page in mail message to be link
update Updated Social Share Optimization meta tags for media library pages to handle also alt tag of images
update Sharing of display methods sidebar, pop up, fly in, top bar, bottom bar when used on list of articles page
update Mobile sharing buttons bar to have option for only 1 button
fixed Problem with not show again option for pop up, fly in and after share
fixed Width of buttons in full width display mode when counter is not activated
fixed Typo error in _blank text in Social Profiles
fixed {network} parameter not replaced in send mail
fixed Encoding issue with & in mail message
fixed Missing details for Facebook Advanced sharing in Analytics Dashboard
fixed Issue with top social posts
fixed Fixed problem with not applying network names when customized mobile options are used.
fixed Email button issue when used in more pop up window