Smart Manager v3.9.6 is a unique, revolutionary tool that gives you the power to efficiently manage products, customers and orders using the popular WordPress e-Commerce plugins from WooThemes and GetShopped.
As a business owner, your time is better spent on marketing and customer service than on store administration. Unfortunately store administration with can take significant time. Day after day.
Smart Manager v3.9.6 will boost your productivity 10x in managing products, customers and orders. You can browse, search, add, update and delete multiple products & variations, customers or orders using a familiar, single page, spreadsheet like interface. Use our smart Batch Update to change multiple fields on multiple items – all at once with zero errors. You will discover a new way of store administration with this add-on. It frees you up from mundane housekeeping tasks. So you can spend that time on anything that makes you more money.
== Changelog ==
= v3.9.6 =
* New: Support for sort functionality on the entire database of records (Beta)
* Fix: Search functionality displaying never ending loading for Orders Dashboard in some cases (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Some minor fixes