GD bbPress Toolbox Pro v4.2.0.1 – bbPress – Enhancing WordPress forums powered by bbPress
Ultimate plugin to add attachments, quotes, signatures, BBCodes, SEO tools and many more tweaks and tools.
Attachments upload for topics and replies, limit number of files, size and types users can upload at once with enhanced validation before upload. Embed list of attachments with different styling or show images thumbnails. Plugin tracks all upload errors. Panels with attachments and errors.
BBCodes with Toolbar
Support for BBCodes that includesmore than 40 codes. Includes special spoiler and hide content codes, source code with syntax highlighting and more. Enhanced BBCodes for videos, images, links and more with control who can use such BBcodes. Includes easy to use toolbar.
Privacy & Locking
Plugin has very important features for settings topics and replies as private (checkbox). You can also temporarily lock all forums or individual topics. Forum based locking can be control for individual forums to accomplish partial locking for new topics and/or replies.
Integration tweaks and tools
Plugin contains great many tweaks and small tools to improve the forums with different integration settings, WordPress Toolbar menu, displaying user stats in topics, visual improvements to forums and much more. Includes tools to mass close old topics and more.
Canned Replies
Create a list of canned replies to be used by moderators when replying in the forums. Canned replies can use categories to better organize replies.
Say Thanks
Users get the ability to say thanks to topic (or reply) authors (optionally remove thanks later). With customizable template for thanks list display.
SEO Tools
Set of tools aiming to improve SEO for the forums. Solve various SEO issues. Plugin also adds support for Google Rich Snippet for breadcrumbs.
Additional Widgets
Plugin adds many widgets to replace default bbPress widgets or add some very useful features: new posts, profile, views list and more.
Control which user roles can have signatures, maximal length , enhanced settings, use of BBCode toolbar or TinyMCE rich content editor.
To improve discussion in the topic / reply threads, it is useful to quote full post or parts of the previous responses as a reference.
Extra Views
Plugin adds many new topic views to bbPress. Views are sort of a filters for topics using different criteria. Views can be added to the Menus.
Editor Replacements
With this plugin you can use rich text TinyMCE editor from WordPress or plugins own simple BBCode Toolbar. There are many options for both.
Online Status
Plugin can track list of users and guests currently online, last visit time for each user and it has a widget to display online status overview.
Plugin is compatible with latest accessibility standards, and plugins frontend and admin controls are ready for screen readers use. BBCode Toolbar buttons, Attachments form and other elements include ARIA markup.
Mobile Ready
Plugin is tested and working with small screen devices. Plugin controls are responsive (admin side too), and if your theme is responsive, all GD bbPress Toolbox Pro controls and features will scale properly on small screens.
GD bbPress Toolbox Pro v4.2.0.1 Changelog
V4.2.0.1 / May 17 2016
edit internationalization of date display for online users
edit updated sv_SE translation file
fix option for topic duplication was hidden