LaraClassified v1.4.4 is a Classified CMS, a powerfull modulable app and has a fully responsive design. Built with Laravel 5.2 and Bootstrap (HTML5 & CSS3). It is packed with lots of features.
We designed this script having as focus:
- The responsive design in use for more audience
- Connectivity with external services like: Paypal, Amazon (SES and CloudFront), Mailgun, Mandrill, Facebook (OAuth), Google (Adsense, OAuth, Maps) and more…, for more profitability.
- Ease of use, to save you time. Only 5 minutes to install it.
Demo Colors
Currently, you can test the following colors: blue, green, yellow and red. More Colors Demo Coming Soon Note : These are just demo Colors You can use your own color, LaraClassified have option for unlimited colors
- Clean and Modern Design
- Fully Responsive (also in Admin panel)
- Built with PHP/MySQL & HTML5/CSS3
- Geo location supported (with Maxmind free or pro database)
- Multilingual Support
- Unlimited Colors
- PayPal Integrated
- Google Adsense integrated
- Google Maps integrated
- Facebook comment integrated
- Recaptcha integrated
- Geonames databases integrated (Free Geo databases)
- Laravel Framework 5.2
- Bootstrap 3
- Turn ON/OFF Recaptcha Option
- Turn ON/OFF Ads activation Option
- Turn ON/OFF User account activation Option
- Allow guests to post an ad without being logged
- Static pages (About Us, FAQ, Contact Us, Anti-scam, Terms and Privacy)
- Website Sitemap
- Google XML Sitemap
- List of countries page (If activated, SEO supported)
- Cross Browser support
- Social media icons
- SEO optimized
- Translation Support (Admin panel module)
- elFinder files manager integrated (Admin panel module)
- Logs viewer (Admin panel module)
- Website backup (Admin panel module)
- Blacklist (Admin panel module)
- Package Plans
- Front End Listing Submission
- Facebook Login
- Google Plus Login
- Email Notifications
- Social Share for Posts
- Protecting the users phone number against crawler
- Well commented code.
- and much more..
LaraClassified v1.4.4 – Geo Classified Ads CMS Changelog
v1.4.4 – (2016-09-08)
– Known issue are fixed
– Displaying Payment gateways (fixed)