Pinterest Drives More Traffic Than Google+, YouTube and LinkedIn Combined and this is why I coded this plugin that will pin images from your post automatically to pinterest.com .
just install and forget your pinterest account as pinterest automatic will do pinning work for you .
Last update :20 April 2015 . Version: 4.0.5. Platform: for WordPress .
Key Features
Pin unlimited number of images: Pinterest Automatic Pin Plugin can pin from one image to all images in the post directly to your pinterest account.
Post featured image as a pin: Plugin can pin featured image to pinterest
Scheduled posts support: select images to be pinned and once your scheduled post get published it will be pinned
Bulk Pin: Plugin can pin old posts too it adds a new option called “Pin Them” just select posts and choose the “pin them” option and apply . the plugin will send selected posts to pinning queue
Automatic Image detection: Pinterest Automatic auto detect images in your post then list them, where you can decide which images should be pinned
Automatic boards detection: Pinterest Automatic will auto detect boards in your pinterest account, so-that you can choose which board you want to pin images to
Auto-link pins to your post : All pins are directly hyper-linked to your posts, so once any pinterest user click on the pin it redirects him to your post on your site
Spintax enabled :Spintax Form can be used for pin text like {awesome|cool|nice},only one word will be chosen randomly with every single pin
Default pin text and pin board : You can set a default pin text or a default pin board where all pins will be pinned, so you don’t need to enter text every-time
Custom post types support : if you have a portfolio or gallery or any post type then Pinterest automatic support them
woo-commerce support : if you have a WordPress e-commerce or woo-commerce based website then Pinterest automatic post e-commerce products to pinterest
*[Beta] Bots support : Pinterest automatic pin the featured or the first image of the post posted using a robot like ‘ WordPress Robot’ , ‘ WordPress Automatic’ .
Supported Tags : 6 Tags can be used in the pin text, where each tag will be replaced with it’s equivalent according to the post
- [image_alt] : get replaced with the image alt text
- [post_title] : get replaced the post title
- [post_tags] : get replaced by the post tags after converting it to pinterest hash tags
- [post_excerpt] : get replaced with the post excerpt
- [post_link] : get replaced with the post link
- [post_author] : get replaced with the post author
Custom field image support : if you have an image link stored in a custom field you can tell the plugin to pin image in that custom field
Detect images to pin from the fron-end : if your images do not appear in backend, Pinterest automatic can still detect them from the front end. for example some galleries are displayed using a shortcode in the backend
Pin full sized WordPress images from thumbnails : Pinterest automatic check if a full sized image available to pin instead of thumbnails
Specific WordPress category to pinterest board support : you can set what board the image will goes to according to it’s category. set unlimited number of cateogry to board sets *Note The image will goes to one board only
Specific WordPress tag to pinterest board support : you can set what board the image will goes to according to it’s tag
Pinned images get marked : successfully pinned images get marked as pinned with the pin icon so you do know what you pinned and what not .
Custom css selector : If images are not in the editor and elsewhere in the page you can set a css selector where the plugin will list images from this part that the selector get applied to
Custom Taxonomies : In the category to board section plugin can list categories from custom taxonomies
Cron job : Plugin can use the internal WordPress cron job and also you can setup a dedicated cron job
Queuing System : Plugin queue images that are eligible for pinning in a queue and pin one image every random x minute . that allows pinning unlimited number of images without problem
Show to administrators only option : You get the option to only allow the plugin for administrators
Proxy support : Pinterest atuomatic can use proxies to connect to pinterest.
Automatic excerpt generation : Pinterest atuomatic can auto generate an excerpt automatically from your content with a pre-specified charachters length.
Search and replace in image src : you can replace specific parts with another in final pin image src.
Random pin interval : you can set a random pin interval between pins starting from 3 minutes. The plugin will pin images with a random interval between them.
Automatic updates : you can update the plugin for free directly from your WordPress dashboard.
Detailed action log : Automatically updated action log with each action done by the plugin
100% ajax responsive interface
How to install ?
– Extract downloaded file from codecanyon you will find a folder called “www” . open it and you will find .zip file which is the right plugin file that should be uploaded to WordPress .
– Version:4.0.5 (20 APRIL 2015 )
- Code update: updated to cope with recent pinterest changes
- Fix: queue stop fixed for some users
- Fix: false items appeared in the queue now fixed