Beaver Builder v1.10.2: WordPress Page Builder Plugin is a complete design system that includes a page builder plugin and a framework theme.
Our page builder plugin works with your existing website. Building beautiful, professional pages and is as easy as dragging and dropping.
A page builder and framework theme can revolutionize your workflow. Save valuable time and empower clients to handle their own edits.
Beaver Builder v1.10.2 Changelog
1.10.2 – 5/2/2017
- Added dot indicating whether the builder is enabled or not on builder launch links.
- Added field connections for row background videos.
- Added tinyPNG compatibility for images stored in the builder’s cache folder.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed memory exhausted fatal error when loading templates on servers without enough memory.
- Fixed comments showing in the Posts module when they should not.
- Fixed Posts module pagination when WPML’s URL variable is set to lang= rather than directories.
- Fixed JS error in the Posts module when switching from the gallery layout.
- Fixed JetPack sharing icons not showing in the Posts module.
- Fixed line height issue with the Map module.
- Fixed editing templates in the Beaver Builder theme not going full width.
- Fixed some module assets not being re-rendered when working in the builder.
- Fixed issues with preview refresh and responsive editing.
- Fixed subscription check if the site has no internet access and cannot check the subscription state.
- Fixed PHP warning when rendering CSS/JS assets.
- Fixed misc translation issues.
- Fixed image uploads if FORCE_SSL_ADMIN is true and site is non-ssl.