Eprom v1.5.6 – WordPress Music Band & Musician Theme – flexible, WordPress music and events theme. Available in dark and light version, including WooCommerce, is suitable for widely understood music industry. Basing on shortcodes gives you almost unlimited possibilities of adaptation to your specific needs. Can simply work as a standalone, creative portfolio as well! Also the best available slider (Revolution) is included. Whoever you are – DJ, music producer, events producer or you just love the music – EPROM theme is exactly what you need! We’ve made an effort to give you the very best, innovative, full of options suite to fulfill all of your internet presentation needs. EPROM WP theme is an expanded version of our EPROM Html template. It’s main feature is that it’s basing on shortcodes which gives you almost unlimited possibilities of adaptation of the theme to your specific needs. In simple words: it’s very flexible. You need a portfolio only? No problem! EPROM can easily work as a stand alone, creative portfolio as well! Offcourse WordPress version comes with ‘Slider Revolution’ slider, one of the best available and implemented for free so we dare to say that it’s the best deal for you!
R-panel is a very powerful template management system. It allows you to easily and quickly customize our theme for your needs, and – best of all – you don’t need advanced skills to use it! It is also not branded – you don’t have to worry that someone will notice that you are using our system.
You can easily change your CSS style or add Javascript code using our R-panel, additionally system will highlight code syntax. Don’t worry – the code will stay untouched after upgrading the theme.
Not quite familiar with CSS? You can use Color Picker or Background Manager and system will generate proper code itself – it’s easy and fun!
In our R-panel you have also easy access to Cufon and Google Web fonts libraries, that makes over 400 fonts which you can use in your theme. Create as many sidebars as you need! You don’t have to stay with just one or two sidebars for all your pages and posts anymore. You are now able to create multiple sidebars with just few clicks.
Eprom v1.5.6 – WordPress Music Band & Musician Theme Changelog
v1.5.6 – Feb 16, 2017
* Fixed: Search result page.