Download Justified Image Grid v3.0 – Premium WordPress Gallery
Justified Image Grid Premium WordPress Gallery v3.0
Justified Image Grid v3.0
This responsive WordPress gallery plugin aligns your thumbnails into a justified grid using jQuery, like Flickr and Google image search. Make your galleries stand out in an eye-catching and unique new way! Replace the standard WP galleries
as [justified_image_grid] with lots of new features and options. WordPress manages the galleries and this plugin will display them. Or alternatively you can load images from Facebook, Flickr or use NextGEN as an image manager/source. Unleash the power of image RSS Feeds and pull videos from Youtube or Vimeo and images from 500px, Pinterest, deviantART, Stumbleupon, Imgur, Tumblr, WordPress .com blogs and more! Or just make a responsive banner of Recent posts using their featured images! Also works with custom post types and custom taxonomies. Filter the thumbnails by tags or any taxonomy!
Control every aspect: row height, appearance, special effects like desaturation, color overlay with magnifier icon, borders, multiple captions, free and premium lightboxes, mouse activated animation… It’s easy to install and comes with 20 presets out of the box. The setup is a breeze with two admin areas: the plugin settings and the Shortcode Editor (you can edit your previously generated shortcodes!). 340 settings are spread over a tabbed interface in two admin areas for quick access. The settings are available to change on a per gallery basis, extending the global settings and presets. No coding skills are required. There is no need to remember shortcode attributes/values because of the Shortcode Editor that has examples and contextual help.
Justified Image Grid v3.0 Changelog
v3 – March 11, 2016 – WP Real Media Library compatibility, Media Library Assistant auto take-over, SVG support, initially load, many improvements and fixes.
Added / New features
- New WordPress -based source: Real Media Library
- New source: Media Library Assistant shortcodes can now automatically be displayed with JIG with a simple setting. This opens exotic possibilities such as creating a gallery based on search keywords, or ordering thumbnails based on custom field values, and other more advanced queries besides what JIG supports natively.
- SVG format support for WP Media Library and Recent Posts sources. No settings, it’s automatic. It’s best for logos!
- An optional “Initially load” amount of pictures to have on the page before Load More.
- Facebook video gallery support. To load user videos you need to re-auth yourself because of a new user_videos permission.
- Ability to add a custom class to individual instances for easier Custom CSS targeting.
- Albums from Vimeo RSS are now recognized. From now on, they can be converted to RSS url in the Shortcode Editor. Up to 25 videos per feed.
- Added 500px “custom searches” RSS feed compatibility – this replaces “user favorites”, which is no longer offered by 500px
Changed / Improved
- YouTube videos played by PrettyPhoto and Magnific Popup don’t show related videos anymore. It’s the &rel=0 bit in the video URL.
- Facebook tags in Albums descriptions are now clickable external links.
- The ?iframe=true is automatically removed from the URL when the custom link is not supposed to open in prettyPhoto.
- The video players for YouTube and Vimeo in prettyPhoto are now protocol-flexible (they work with https).
- The plugin will let you know on the NextGEN and WP RML tabs when you don’t have these plugins installed.
- Adding Facebook pages by URL is now way more flexible and can work with carelessly pasted URLs.
- Loading Flickr Collections for selection in the Shortcode Editor is now much faster, and is handled by just 2 Flickr API requests. It’s especially noticeable when you have a lot of albums in your collections.
- Changed class name of the 3rd-party mobile detect library to avoid conflicts with similarly-named classes that are different. It caused some PHP errors for certain users.
- jQuery v2.2.0 compatibility, now it’s available to have it loaded as “jQuery source”.
- Facebook API v2.5 compatibility.
- When using lightbox groups with prettyPhoto (straight to lightbox albums), the Smart Deeplinking URL would only be correct for the first group. This would also mean that following a deeplink #! hash it would not re-open properly in these cases.
- When deselecting a filter button on a touch device, the button would still appear highlighted. This only happened when allowing multiple filters to be selected and also for the Load More button.
- With jQuery 2+ used, JIG would recognize all browsers as old IE and not show certain thumbnail effects.
- Filtering bug when using top x terms: in certain cases, on Firefox the console would say filteredImages…push is not a function.
- An animation problem with the mixed and reverse-mixed caption styles is removed, increasing the space between two captions by 3px.
- JIG would freeze if no text would be shown for Load More count text with WPML enabled.
- An edge case only in Chrome, the caption would go beyond the thumbnail boundaries. Furthermore, the background would be off by 1 pixel sometimes. These only applied if special effects were used only behind the captions and caption width was set to match text width.
- In a rare case, tags in Facebook album remained unprocessed (latest one mode).
- Incomplete last row: match + center and flexible + match + center wouldn’t center an incomplete but single/only row.
- When title appears inside frame in prettyPhoto and “link rel” doesn’t group images, navigation was still visible.
- Edge case where Pinterest Pin button would appear twice (mostly just briefly) in prettyPhoto.
- Pinterest Pin button width measuring updated (when the count showed up it could cover G+ button).
- NextGEN’s “resource manager” is only disabled on the frontend from now on. Previously it affected native modal window of NextGEN (opened from the visual editor): the “Add Gallery / Images” tab in particular.
- Multiple link rel attributes would be included in the Smart Deeplinking hash of prettyPhoto and PhotoSwipe. It’ll only use the first rel attribute from now on. It was conflicting with the “jQuery mobile – link rel external” setting.
- After editing a file of the plugin via the Editor in WordPress , the editable file types remain filtered. Previously it offered files from the thumbnail cache too as editable, after an change was made.
- Now detecting Windows 10’s Edge browser as “any IE” for the purpose of IE-exclusive rendering problems (all versions). One of these is the “1px visual glitch” mentioned in JIG v2.8.1 and JIG v2.8 updates.
- PhotoSwipe to v4.1.1 (re-customized).
- Mobile Detect to v2.8.19 (changed class name)
- jQuery dotdotdot to 1.8.0
- Spanish translation.
- Documentation, Localization.