Marketica v2.6 is the best marketplace theme for WordPress and WooCommerce. Period!
Marketica v2.6 allows you to turn your store into a vendor marketplace. You can assign existing products to vendors, or they can add and edit their own ones. Every vendor will have a dedicated vendor page on your site where they will be able to list all of their products, but they will also show up in your normal shop pages so you can sell your own products alongside those of your vendors.
2.6 – 29 September 2015
updated: Revolution Slider 5.0.9
updated: Visual Composer 4.7.2
added: compatible with WC Smart Coupons addon
added: compatible with GravityForms Product addon
added: compatible with Composite Product addon
added: now we use default logo text
fixed: iconpicker issue on Visual Composer 4.7
fixed: customizer issue on account submenu color
fixed: product column issue on Visual Composer addon
fixed: top level product category issue on Visual Composer – WC Categories
Demo Marketica v2.6 – Marketplace WordPress Theme
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