I have just created a yahoo.co.uk account creator. There are some benefits using yahoo.co.uk then yahoo, for example, you can forward email to other account and create upto 500 disposable account under single your yahoo.co.uk account.
i wanted to make it more automated, but yahoo might be using some sort of random code which I could not figured out. I will try to improve it in coming days. So, here are the steps to make it work.
Step 1: Hit the start button, it will automatically fill up all information except captcha. These information are randomly generated and will not be dupplicate on following accounts.
Step 2: Fill the captcha and hit enter. It will copy the login and pass into listbox, signout and move to next account form. Thats it.
Plz, watch the video below to see how it works. I am not expert in creating videos, so sorry for the bad video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ck2AkToAqPgPlease note that, you can use proxy by selecting the checked option or use it without proxy. Yahoo blocks most of the public proxies. So, check before using the proxy. I have noticed that yahoo allow US public proxied although most of the time those are slower.
Code:http://www.mediafire.com/?ldg11fkwzzv7c4rVirus Total
Code:http://www.virustotal.com/file-scan/report.html?id=4d2b4c167b21e25be0a3f79fb50083025bb011a9a26427bc05589a399f2d1476-1299138809Let me know your feedback, so that I can improve it in next version.
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