Admin DEMO:
username: demo
password: demoFeatures
- Unlimited Events
- PayPal Integration
- Offline Booking
- Supports additional gateways
- Multiple Bookings
- Coupon Integration
- Event Categories
- Multiple occurrences for same event
- Multiple Tickets
- Google Maps
- Tax
- Responsive Calendar Shortcode
- Lazy Load Calendar Shortcode
- Responsive Event Box shortcode
- Responsive Event Card shotcode
- Responsive Event Button shortcode
- Mobile fall back booking page
- List Events based on filters (eventBoxes and eventCards)
- Shortcode generation
- AJAX Control Panel with 500+ Settings
- User friendly event creation
- Visual Editor
- Sandbox integration
- Offline booking form customization
- CSV Integration
- Add to Google Calendar
- Every thing is customizable, from text ,color,size,padding,borders,border radius and much more.
- Email Support
- Booker receives an email
- Owner (admin) receives email of booking
- Both emails are customizable<l/li>
- Pre/Post emails (Emails Addon)
- Multiple success actions: Open Success popup, Close booking popup, redirect to page, show message below button.
- Shortcodes: Calendar – Event Box – Event Card – Event Buttons – Events List
- Addon Shortcodes: byDay Calendar Shortcode
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