UPDATED : 08-22-18 – 09:54:13 GMT
From: Mark James
To: The Internet’s Next “Rags to Riches” Success Story …Now whatever you do don’t leave this page! This autopilot, easy-to-use software is only going to be available for a limited time.
So don’t click on anything … don’t answer your phone if it should ring … ignore those cries for help – well, if you are hearing actual cries for help maybe you should check them out … but otherwise don’t do anything but real this letter as what you are about to discover could dramatically change your life for the better!How dramatically? If you are like many users, try going from wherever you are now to earning a five figure or more income EACH AND EVERY MONTH!
This software, which is just now being made available to the public, has been used secretly underground for a while now. It has been tested, optimized, retested and re-optimized and has been proven to generate cash over and over again!
And here’s something else you need to know, this software is completely “white hat” … that’s right it doesn’t rely on any loopholes or glitches to produce its profits. Here’s why that’s important – loopholes and glitches can be closed quickly rendering “black hat” software useless.
But that’s not the case with this software. This autopilot software is completely legal and like I said has been producing profits underground for a while now!
This is not a here today, gone tomorrow software. It’s not like all those other “crap tools” out there that don’t deliver anywhere near what they promise.
Social media like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube
Branding your business
Creating ads or swapping them
Google, Yahoo or Bing
Making media buys
Writing ezine articles
Using pay-per-click
Getting JV partners
Creating products
Plus, you won’t have to work yourself to death either (in fact, with this software once it is set up you practically won’t have to work at all!)
If you are tired of buying product after product from so-called Internet gurus only to see those products never work for you like the gurus promised they would …
If you are tired of trying everything under the sun and not being able to make any money online …
If you are tired of everything the gurus say you have to learn to succeed online, things like copywriting and list building and conversion rates and CPA offers …
If you are ready to cut through all the hype and the lies and discover the REAL fast track to Internet success …
On the other hand, if you are a spammer or a scammer … if you are some unscrupulous marketer looking to make a buck and you don’t care who you hurt or take advantage of along the way … or if you are just satisfied with the income you are making now and don’t want to risk “rocking the boat” even though there is no real risk with this offer … then this software is NOT for you!