Get Revili 1.8

Revili 1.8

  • Name : Revili – Amazon Review Analyzer
  • Version : 1.8
  • OS : Windows
  • Type : Amazon Marketing Tools
  • Price : $47
  • Homepage : SalePage

This software is used to quickly analyze amazon reviews for any given product. Simply inert the product ASIN number into the software and it will extract all the reviews into an easy-to-read data table. You can then rapidly search through the reviews to identify what is wrong with the product as well as what customers are loving about the product. Then you can use that information to outsource new profitable products to private label on Amazon.

In addition, you can use the built-in “Word Analyzer” to dig even deeper into the reviews by uncovering the most repeated word phrases contained in all the reviews. This unique innovative approach saves you a MASSIVE amount of time trying to spot the problems and benefits from real customer reviews! Use this software and this method to quickly pump out hundreds of possible product ideas you can private label and sell on amazon!


  • Works on both Windows PC and Mac computers!
  • Easily pin-point the negative features for any given amazon product .. and then private label similar products that FIX those problems!
  • Instantly filter reviews looking for postitive and negative comments!
  • Extract reviews based on the most helpful product reivews or by the latest reviews given
  • Blazing FAST One-click instant filters for laser-targeting to the exact reviews you need to analyze!
  • Instantly extract hundreds of product reviews for any given amazon product!
  • Works with and
  • Export all data to CSV, TXT, or data files!
  • Instantly preview and search through reviews at lightning speeds!
  • Built-in “instant search” feature allowing you to find what you want as you type!
  • Preview all the reviews, a given review, and the product page with one-click simplicity
  • Save HOURS of time scouring through thousands of reviews looking for the hidden gold!

Revili 1.8
Revili 1.8

Revili 1.8

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