- Name : Twitter Toolkit
- Version : 1.6 Premium
- OS : Windows/MAC/Linux
- Type : Twitter Marketing Tools
- Price :
$9 - Homepage : SalePage
“Toolkit For Twitter” is a collection of twitter tools for improving your twitter experience.
Some key features of twitter toolkit :
1. Click all like buttons :
Click all like buttons is a tool built into “Twitter Toolkit” to like all visible like buttons on a page. This will allow you to like multiple like buttons in a single click. This tool iterates over all visible like buttons and clicks them one by one with a delay time of 1-2 seconds. This tool can be used on any page that displays a like button. If this tool is not able to detect like buttons then you will see an error message.
2. Click all unlike buttons :
This tool will allow you to unlike all posts that you previously liked. For using this tool, you can visit likes tab of your twitter profile , scroll down using scroll button and run this tool to clear previously liked posts. This tool will help you to clean your twitter profile. This tool can be used on any page that displays unlike button.
3. Click all follow buttons :
This tool allows you to follow multiple twitter profiles in one simple click, all you need to do is run this tool on a page with multiple follow buttons. This tool allows you to follow multiple profiles with ease. This tool can be used on any page that displays a follow button.
4. Click All Unfollow Buttons :
If you followed too many people by mistake, then this tool can be used to clean your followers list. This tool can be used on any page that displays unfollow button, but we recommend to use this on twitter.com/following so you can see entire list of followers, after visiting this page you need to scroll at the bottom of the page and use “Click All Unfollow Buttons” tool to remove all followers from your twitter account.
5. Retweet all tweets :
This tool allows you to easily retweet all tweets, all you need to do is enter a comment to use for retweets and click on retweet button. This tool will automatically press all retweet buttons.
6. Get user IDs of all followers :
This tool exports data about your followers and allows you to analyze your followers list.
7. Tweet Link / Image / Selection tool :
This tool adds a context menu to your chrome web browser to allow you to tweet images, links and selection just by right clicking on them.
- Twitter Emoticons, Twitter Emoji Collection
- Retweet All Tweets On Twitter
- Like Multiple Tweets
- Favorite Multiple Tweets On Twitter
- Follow Multiple Twitter Accounts at Once
- Remove All Twitter Favorites and Twitter Likes From Your Twitter Account
- Unfollow Multiple Accounts On Twitter