Get Insta Prospect 1.0

  • Name : Insta Prospect
  • Version : 1.0
  • OS : Windows
  • Type : Instagram Marketing Tools, Instagram Lead Tools
  • Price : $32
  • Homepage : SalePage

Adobe Air/PC Software Enables You To Search & Pull Prospects On Instagram In Any Niche Using #HashTags For Keyword Search #Chiropractor #Dentist #Lawyer And More! All for your consulting business. Export it all! Emails, Phones, Addresses, Profiles, Activity. Email! Prospects rite from the software. PLUS get step-by-step over the shoulder training on how to find and close prospects on instagram LIVE!


Recent study done by “Fortune” shows that instagram has finally hit the $5.8 billion dollar mark. On top of that theres been a huge spike on businesses using IG in the United States & Across the globe.

when I think of INSTAGRAM I get really excited! Want to know why? Because there’s just no platform that enables you to send video, images or send direct messages (DM) to potential prospects local and global in any field.

TODAY it’s all about the hash-Tag! No need for traffic generation or any of that mess. Here it’s all about social awareness. Businesses (In all niches) are using #Hashtags to be found. I’ve spotted laywers, doctors, dentist, Accountants and tons more all doing the same.

Quick EXAMPLE: I found a SALON owner who used the HASHTAG: #NewYorkSalon #NewYorkHairStylist #NewYorkSalons #NYSalonGrandOpening. The intentions she are clear she wanted followers. And on instagram you get followed by using relevant hashtags.

And not only are hashtags an awesome way for businesses to communicate with potential clients. But! For us local marketers and consultants in the united states and worldwide this is a great way to FIND CLIENTS!.

Businesses on instagram are always self-promoting themselves using URLS, Emails and Phone numbers. These are all still relevant forms of communication regardless to the (DM). A sale needs to be made at the end of the day and so these forms of communication still count. And for us consultants this is awesome DATA to have!

After several days of hard work and development we built a tool exclusively for our Red Torrent Media – Supporters. This software enables you to find prospects which can be turned into clients all on instagram. The software enables you to extract profiles details such as urls, emails and other important information needed. And it also enables you to search businesses using hash tags. Need to email? No problem you can email prospects using “GMAIL” rite from the software and even export any of the stored prospect details.

We are making this entire business in a box exclusively available to our red torrent media supporters only for $27 + LIVE TRAINING included & Scripts Included.
Insta Prospect 1.0[/sociallocker]

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