Working on the Internet, it is often necessary to remain anonymous and to make actions using proxies. ProxyToolbox is the tool you need to download and check your daily need of proxies.
As an internet user any activity you perform on the internet can be traced back to you with the help of your IP address, which is a unique code assigned to you by your Internet Service Provider. An easy way of protecting yourself is by using anonymous proxies, which hide your IP address from websites.
A proxy is any software that supports the http proxy protocols. In it’s simplest form a proxy is a relay for data between two computers. A proxy is a intermediate server that forwards information between to points. A proxy is like a middle man, between the host, the server that you are trying to download files off, and you sitting in front of your computer. A Proxy is a central machine on the network that allows other machines in that network to use a shared Internet connection.
Enhanced winsock technology
Free lifetime automatic update
Multi-Threading that further speeds up
Proxy support with built-in downloader
Easy to use layout
Instant download
CAPTCHA support
Delay functionality
User-Agent changer
HTTPs checker
Country identifier
POST checker
Cookie checker
Referer checker
User-Agent checker
Proxy downloader from various sources