We were getting over 10 emails a week asking if we had software that can grab ID’s of people who like fanpages, or like a specific post on a fanpage, well now we can offically say YES!
Now you can go to any fanpage, and scape ID’s from it, and send them auto friend requets. You know how powerful this is, I dont need to tell you.
Safe, Secure, and your only tool to build your socail networking empire!
We do actual clicks when requesting friends, not some non traditional way!Others out there charge for this kind of service, we dont. We give you the power to do this on your own for hundrends less!
Facebook Friends Requester Features:
Lifetime Updates
Scape ID’s from Likes on a fan page or post
Auto User Login (You can save multiple Facebook accounts)
Friend Request Pause (Wait Inbetween requests like a real person)
Auto Friend ID Discovery
Friend Request Threshold Limit (Send 1-500 Requests)
Secure Web Page Transactions
SP :
http://www.rankbook.com/facebookfanpagefriendadder.phpDOWNLOAD LINKS & INSTALLATION :
August 1, 2017thanks .. i will try