Give Fee Recovery v1.0 – Givewp is a Give Add-on which must be downloaded, installed and activated | Download Give Fee Recovery v1.0 – Givewp Free on Null24
Give Fee Recovery v1.0 – This Add-on gives you the ability to ask your donors to increase their donation amount by the amount your payment gateway would normally charge. You can adjust the recovery amount globally for all gateways, or per-gateway.
Getting Started with Fee Recovery
Once you activate the Fee Recovery Add-on, nothing changes at all. The default settings for Fee Recovery are set so that it is not added to any of your forms.
In order to add it, you’ll need to go to the Fee Recovery global settings page. You can click on the link in the activation banner at the top of the screen, or navigate there by going to “Donations > Settings > Payment Gateways > Fee Recovery”.