Download Event Booking Pro v3.5 – WP Plugin [Paypal or Offline]
Event Booking Pro – WP Plugin [paypal or offline] v3.5
Event Booking Pro v3.5
- Unlimited Events
- PayPal Integration
- Offline Booking
- Supports additional gateways
- Multiple Bookings
- Coupon Integration
- Event Categories
- Multiple occurrences for same event
- Multiple Tickets
- Google Maps
- Responsive Calendar Shortcode
- Lazy Load Calendar Shortcode
- Responsive Event Box shortcode
- Responsive Event Card shotcode
- Responsive Event Button shortcode
- Mobile fall back booking page
- List Events based on filters (eventBoxes and eventCards)
- Shortcode generation
- AJAX Control Panel with 500+ Settings
- User friendly event creation
- Visual Editor
- Sandbox integration
- Offline booking form customization
- CSV Integration
- Add to Google Calendar
- Every thing is customizable, from text ,color,size,padding,borders,border radius and much more.
- Email Support
- Booker receives an email
- Owner (admin) receives email of booking
- Both emails are customizable<l/li>
- Multiple success actions: Open Success popup, Close booking popup, redirect to page, show message below button.
- Shortcodes: Calendar – Event Box – Event Card – Event Buttons – Events List
- Addon Shortcodes: byDay Calendar Shortcode
Event Booking Pro v3.5 Changelog
v3.5 (March 2016—in process)
New Add-on: Email Templates & Alternative email
Enhancements to Emails:
Option to not send emails (admin and/or confirmation)
Formatted cost to match site’s format
Keywords in Email subjects
Speed (it was very fast and now faster)
Additions to Event Cards
ADDED ability to add background to cards
ADDED Show thumbnail even if card is expandable (Toggle-able)
ADDED control of width of thumbnail (Expandable and Non-expandable separate settings)
Additions to Calendar:
ADDED new calendar style (titles directly shown)
ADDED background image for day cell
ADDED box-shadow toggle for calendar and event
ENHANCED calendar with optimized queries for speed
Changes to Event List:
Filters: changed the behavior
ENHANCED: Optimized Queries for speed
Fixed: When event is deleted -> all occurrences/tickets/bookins/categories/coupons are removed from database.
FIXED all bugs reported.
FIXED refund from paypal
FIXED bug in spots left when it is hidden
FIXED bug in WP-MAILER in some cases
FIXED Bug with Forms Manager
FIXED passed date not working
Paypal folder now has an updated Certificate. Please update it if you have problems.
Support was slow, we worked on improving it. The process changed in Feb and you started to see improvements. Now we are looking for one extra person to help with support to decrease wait more.
We re factored a portion of the plugin to be able to add all the new features requested.
We will release new version every other month with new features. We got a lot aligned!