Jon Wheatley Interview – Founder Of DailyBooth

Firstly I would love to hear more about your main project right now, – What gave you the idea to create this website and where are you with it now?

DailyBooth is a social network based around taking daily pictures of yourself. We’ve only been online for a little under two months but already we’re seeing some healthy growth. As of right this second people have posted a total of 167,628 pictures. Things are going well.


I thought the concept of taking a picture of yourself every day was an insanely cool idea but I knew deep down I would never keep up with it. I also thought it would be something that other people would probably like to do, if there was a way of easily doing it.

One thing Social Networks struggle to do is to monetize their websites, how do you plan on monetizing If you don’t, why not?

We’re not trying to monetize DailyBooth at the moment but honestly, right now that isn’t important. All we care about is building a solid community and a good website.

It’s true that social networks do sometimes struggle to monetize the traffic they get. Facebook is the perfect example of this. However, even though they’re losing money they were still recently valued at (an arguably ridiculous) $15billion.

We’ve had a few people request the option to buy physical prints of the picture replies they’re getting so that might be something we implement at some point.

I understand you have built and sold many websites and web applications, any secrets you would like to share when creating a website to sell?

There is no real secret to it. If you make something good people will like it. If people like it people will use it. If people like it and use it they’ll tell their friends about it. If that happens people will want to buy you. Wash rinse and repeat.

You have worked with dozens of programmers and designers, where did you find these people and how do you choose them?

There is no easy way (that I have found) to find decent designers and developers. It takes numerous missed deadlines, botched projects and a lot of time to build up a solid team of people around you.

Running a Internet Business gives you choices and freedom to do what you want, when you want. What would you say the Internet Lifestyle is for you?

A while ago I heard this quote… “Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people wont so you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t”.

That stuck with me. Ever since I’ve been “living my life like most people wont”. Cutting back on everything I can that isn’t work related and reinvesting every penny I make. So, as of right now the “internet lifestyle” is working long hours, sleeping at erratic times, having very little money and drinking too much redbull.

When ever I see pictures or read mentions of you on the web, you always have this “Rock & Roll” feel to you, do you think the Internet lifestyle is a bit like Rock & Roll lifestyle?

I guess there are aspects that are similar but I wouldn’t say so. If you’re living the “Rock & Roll” lifestyle you’re probably not working hard enough.

Working with the end in mind is something I think about every day, where do you see yourself in a few years time? Do you have an exit plan in mind?

I really don’t know. The future is something that I think about often but I have so many different ideas and plans it’s hard to stick to one. As cliché as it sounds I’m just going to take each day as it comes and keep on working hard.

What would you say is the biggest single reason for your success?

I see so many people work hard on a project for months, sell that project for a non trivial amount of money (let’s say, $5,000). Then they’ll go and spend that $5,000 on a new iPod and a holiday. If they reinvested all of that money their next project would be worth a lot more than $5,000. If you keep doing this and “leveling up” it’s hard not to be successful. (Not that I consider myself to be successful)

If you could go back in a time machine to the time when you were just getting started, what advice would you give yourself regarding making money online?

SEO is a complete was of time. Stay away from affiliate marketing. “Saving” money is completely pointless.

What is the best advice you have ever been given?

“You should get the Internet” – Back in 96 or something.

Thanks very much for the interview, is there anything you’d like to add?

The higher the mountain is that you have to climb, the better the view when you get to the top.

If you would like to follow Jon on DailyBooth click here! I will be starting to update my profile soon, you can follow me by clicking here.

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