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You Thought You Knew About
Profiting With ClickBank!A *Fail Proof* Profits System,
Uncovering The Secret Strategies The
“Super Affiliates” Use To Rake In
Millions Of Dollars…
Sales Page:
The 48 Hour Affiliate Action Plan…
Code:http://rapidshare.com/files/290627359/Kxactionplan.pdfThe Affiliate Marketing Handbook…
Code:http://rapidshare.com/files/290627479/Ch6_3handbook.pdfAdvanced Affiliate Tactics – Part 1 and Part 2…
Code:http://rapidshare.com/files/290627637/76dXaffiliatemanual1.pdf http://rapidshare.com/files/290627640/_uHXaffiliatemanual2.pdfTraffic Generation Strategies – Part 1 and Part 2…
Code:http://rapidshare.com/files/290628031/Xjyg_UnlimitedSocialTraffic.pdf http://rapidshare.com/files/290628034/Nuyh_traffic2.pdfThe Internet Marketing Bible…
Code:http://rapidshare.com/files/290628097/Cuyd8_bible.pdfMp3 Audios…
Ted Nicholas Audio
Code:http://rapidshare.com/files/290628856/01_Ted_Nicholas.zipMark Joyner Audio
Code:http://rapidshare.com/files/290628395/03_Mark_Joyner.zipJoe Vitale Audio
Code:http://rapidshare.com/files/290628431/02_Dr_Joe_Vitale.zipRosalind Gardner Audio
Code:http://rapidshare.com/files/290629177/AudioRS.zipThe Affiliate Marketing Template…
As you know, Google have recently made some changes to quality score and we have been testing out some other landing pages to help solve these issues for affiliates.
The template that you can see below includes more links to content and depending on how you write your ads and which keywords you are bidding under, it should help you get a better quality score and lower CPC’s if you are using Google Adwords to generate traffic. You could also drive traffic to it using free methods and of course, alter the page to suit any niche you want.What you will need to do…
*This page promotes a weight loss product from Clickbank and I have included the correct ‘hoplink’ in each link. However, you will need to alter each of them to suit your own ID.
*You will also need to add more articles and link them up in the ‘recent posts’ section and I have provided a sample page that you can duplicate (calorie_consumption). Add one article per page. I have also included some articles below that you can use.
*You’ll see on the right hand side that I have an RSS image which links to a Feedburner page that I quickly put together. (Google own Feedburner by the way) You can either leave as is or create your own feed and link up to it.
*After doing this and making any other changes that you deem appropriate, you can edit the text and pen name, complete the other links and upload all the files to your server. I recommend that you buy a new domain for this as well.Download The Website Files Here
Code:http://rapidshare.com/files/290629674/X9i_presell.zipDownload The Articles Here
Code:http://rapidshare.com/files/290629686/Ca8X_articles.zipSEO Videos…
Code:http://maxplrseo.s3.amazonaws.com/Video%201%20-%20Introduction/Video%201%20-%20Introduction.html http://maxplrseo.s3.amazonaws.com/Video%202%20-%20Article%20Marketing%20Insider/Video%202%20-%20Article%20Marketing%20Insider.html http://maxplrseo.s3.amazonaws.com/Video%203%20-%20EzineArticles%20Demo/Video%203%20-%20EzineArticles%20Demo.html http://maxplrseo.s3.amazonaws.com/Video%204%20-%20Social%20Networking%20Insider/Video%204%20-%20Social%20Networking%20Insider.html http://maxplrseo.s3.amazonaws.com/Video%205%20-%20Facebook%20Demo/Video%205%20-%20Facebook%20Demo.html http://maxplrseo.s3.amazonaws.com/Video%206%20-%20Myspace%20Demo/Video%206%20-%20Myspace%20Demo.html http://maxplrseo.s3.amazonaws.com/Video%207%20-%20Social%20Bookmarking%20Insider/Video%207%20-%20Social%20Bookmarking%20Insider.html http://maxplrseo.s3.amazonaws.com/Video%208%20-%20Digg%20Demo/Video%208%20-%20Digg%20Demo.html http://maxplrseo.s3.amazonaws.com/Video%209%20-%20Delicious%20Demo/Video%209%20-%20Delicious%20Demo.html http://maxplrseo.s3.amazonaws.com/Video%2010%20-%20Viral%20Marketing%20Insider/Video%2010%20-%20Viral%20Marketing%20Insider.html http://maxplrseo.s3.amazonaws.com/Video%2011%20-%20Affiliate%20Insider/Video%2011%20-%20Affiliate%20Insider.html http://maxplrseo.s3.amazonaws.com/Video%2012%20-%20SEO%20Optimization%20Insider/Video%2012%20-%20SEO%20Optimization%20Insider.html http://maxplrseo.s3.amazonaws.com/Video%2013%20-%20Summary/Video%2013%20-%20Summary.htmlBonus Videos…
How To Make Money With ClickBank Part 1
Code:http://rapidshare.com/files/290631083/ClickbankVideo1_AVI.aviHow To Make Money With ClickBank Part 2
Code:http://rapidshare.com/files/290631798/ClickbankVideo2_AVI.aviHow To Make Money With ClickBank Part 3 & 4
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