[GET] Sneaky Laser URL SEO Trick

Sneaky Laser URL SEO Trick?

Matt Harward wrote:

I like Howie Schwartz. He does a lot of cool stuff? especially with SEO and free traffic. And those aren?t my strong points, so I like to watch what he?s doing. He?s smarter than me when it comes to that kind of stuff.

So I?m watching one of his free videos today. And he?s showing off a function that I think is part of his Black Hat is Back membership? I don?t remember, exactly.

But what he showed was totally cool? And it?s something you can do with Laser URL. Granted, it?s the poor man?s version of Howie?s automated stuff? but it works and it?s free. If you want a more advanced tool then check out Howie?s stuff.

To me, though, every bit as important as the tool is the mindset he exposes. I *LOVE* it. So sneaky. And so freaking smart. He basically exposes a way to leech free traffic ideas from the most competitive and advanced marketers in the world.

I was seriously blown away at how simple the method it. I?m talking stupid easy. And obvious. And I can?t believe I never thought of doing it or using the tools I already have (like Laser URL) to do it.

I hate getting scooped on sneaky cool ideas. I love knowing them, though? especially when I already have a tool that lets me use them.

I had to make a few minor changes to Laser URL to get it to do what I wanted. That means you?ll probably have to download the latest version to see what I?m seeing in the tutorial video. You?ll need at least version Earlier versions will work? they just won?t have some of the features I added to make the information a little easier to work with when using this trick. Still free.

It?s *not* totally automated like Howie?s tool is. I might do that at some point. I want to play around with it more.

Watch this tutorial video I just made to see what the trick is and how you can use it. I made the video after only playing with the idea for about 15 minutes? so it?s pretty off-the-cuff.

Sneaky SEO tutorial video:








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