I was looking for a Google Places scraper that would get
a whole lot of leads and emails from particular professions
and businesses in any town/city and came across this delightful tool.It’s an .AIR application so will run on a Mac or PeeCee
Code:http://www.benadkins.com/easyleadfinderDownload Mediafire
Code:http://www.mediafire.com/?47bkwv53sp2s5q6Virus Total (0/42)
Code:http://www.virustotal.com/file-scan/report.html?id=c97dc89aac184ca82791e46fb8ad408620c8ef9cadb85406580ffd07b7163dc9-1295995556Hope it’s useful
Thanks Welcomed
P.S. When you run this, it asks for a userid and pass. Ignore it. It still works.
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