I modyfied my recent bot which I shared yesterday (http://www.blackhatworld.com/blackh…itors-tons-free-traffic-twitter-follower.html) and you can now use the twitter options on traffup.net for following or retweeting.
What is traffup.net?
Traffup.net is traffic exchange system where you earn points for following other people on Twitter or for retweeting someone’s message.
You can then use your points to get Twitter followers for your profile or retweets to spread your message .What does the bot do?
In a nutshell: With this bot you get either Twitter followers or Twitter retweets in exchange for points that you have to give away. The bot earns these points automatically by following other people or retweeting other messages on autopilot.
How to use the Bot:
- Download the Bot here:
Code:http://www.mediafire.com/?0rem6rf1pegphgl- Extract the .rar archive (use as password: 1337)
- Go to Traffup.net and sign up for an account ? write down your login details.
- Login to Traffup.net and enter your twitter details (?twitter? right upper corner)
- Start the downloaded bot file (if you use uBot for the first time it?ll download the necessary files at the beginning)
- Bot Setup:
Step 1
Enter your Traffup.net login details in the Bot interface:
Username = Email (See the picture below)
Step 2
Select either followers OR retweets, whatever you want. Make sure that you entered your Twitter details at traffup.net login area!
You can see the result of the bot work in the Followed or Tweets counter.
7.) Start the Bot by clicking on Run
The Bot will now start to follow people and retweet messages from the Traffup.net system. You will get points for that and as long as you have enough points you will get followers or retweets!
The Bot will do everything for you! Sometimes it?s possible that it looks like it does nothing, but it?ll detect all errors! If you will have any trouble or if u have any recommendations please let me know by posting here at this thread!
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