Okay, I replied to the guy looking for this in the request folder, but one of the PDF’s was jacked so I tried to reply with the fixed PDF and apparently I am NOT allowed to post replies or threads in the Download Requests folder…what’s up with that?
Now I have to start a whole new thread to get this info out…if anyone knows why I could post yesterday but not today, please provide some insight. I’m not very active in this forum usually, so I don’t know all the rules and regs around here.
Enough ranting….here’s the goods:
Anyways, this X_pe_rt N Th_ir_ty Da_ys…the rar file has all the PDF’s but like I said, the main PDF didn’t want to work…so I reupped it and that’s what the second file is.
If you just want the main course, grab the PDF…the rar has all his extra bonuses included.
Code:hxxp://rap*ids*ha*re.c0m/files/14*27*614*95/Xp_ert_N_Th_irty.rar hxxp://rap*ids*ha*re.c0m/files/142*978*457/Xp_ert_N_Th_irty.pdf(As usual, replace the xx with tt, the 0 with o, and remove all the *)
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