This is something I stumbled on today – while digging around for another keyword tool. This one looks pretty good…and the price is right!
Code: (thanks Sweetfunny for the shell extension!):
MD5: 7C6519971E4DBAE04C2657B14EE8C788
SHA-1: 1D4AB9DCBA207C8FE51F4780F3FB7CD036A32471
SHA-256: AEB7606230941C4244446FA243193844CD79E3450A68FCB12A24C3E5414CE9C0Didn’t find it on the DNS list. Hope you BHWers get some use out of this.
PS. For you sharp-eyed ‘hats – I don’t know why the .exe file is misspelled. I’m giving you the original zip. Maybe it helps to disguise it from people who are trolling for the product on the interweb? It installed OK for me.
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