Get Kudani 0.1.26

Kudani 0.1.26

  • Name : Kudani
  • Version : 0.1.26
  • OS : Windows
  • Type : Content Marketing Tools
  • Price : $97
  • Homepage : SalePage

More traffic, more leads, more customers by publishing quality content without all the hassle.
Create, curate and promote high quality engaging content to increase traffic and leads.
Create Agency Plan content campaigns,review and approve publishing to client sites.


  • Curate Content From Your Feeds : Read, curate and promote articles in your daily news feed or discover new and trending posts ranked by social shares. Pull snapshots into your post editor, add your own content and publish to your blog or direct to email. Content is automatically promoted to your social network.
  • Title Generator : Stuck for content? Use our headline generator to generate 160 proven headlines based on your keyword. Select a title that users will want to click on to increase readability and social engagement. Once chosen the title is automatically loaded in the editor where you can either edit or leave it as is.
  • For Traffic : Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and WordPress blogs supported for maximum promotion. Reach maximum eyeballs by publishing later and at times users are most likely to be online by scheduling posts, tweets, Facebook or LinkedIn updates. Automatically promote your posts to your favourite social networks increasing your reach on a schedule that suits your clients.
  • Editorial Calendar : Plan, visualize and filter content marketing tasks and assignments including social promotion sequences. Filter by user, campaign or personas. Automated notifcations keep users updated on their tasks within the system.
  • Approval Workflow : All content at any stage at any status is visible in one place for fast access. Comments can be made about content without touching the content for all users.
  • Content Management : All content at any stage at any status is visible in one place for fast access. Comments can be made about content without touching the content for all users.
  • Built in Keyword Tool With Volume : Write articles and titles on content people are searching for enabling you to target highest volume keywords for best traffic results.
  • Keyword Analysis : Allow your writers to check that content is produced targeted towards the right keywords.
  • Widgetized Dashboard : Customizable dashboard to get all your data visible in one view. Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin analytics instantly available on a customizable dashboard for instant decision making. One click visibility of any metric from Google analytics.
  • Campaign Manager : Group content tasks and projects according to campaigns. Every campaign automatically notifies writers and contributors of new tasks. Copy and duplicate campaigns across clients. Extract or import your campaigns in an easy to use CSV format for fast campaign creation.
  • Multi-Client Organization : Manage multiple clients within one application. Create and promote content on a ‘per client’ basis using customizable workflows. Switch to another client to get instant visibility of progress, content or promotion. Your clients also get their own login and dashboard saving you time providing them updates.

Kudani 0.1.26

Kudani 0.1.26

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