Get Video Prospector Pro 2.5.2

Video Prospector Pro 2.5.2

  • Name : Video Prospector
  • Version : Pro 2.5.2
  • OS : Windows
  • Type : Video Creator Marketing
  • Price : $1997
  • Homepage : SalePage

You can apply this incredible software for ONLINE offers (CPA, CJ, ClickBank,, etc.) JUST AS EASILY!!

With Video Prospector all you need to do is simply pick the product or types of businesses that you wish to target load up your voiceover/audio files, images and choose each of the duration you want the slides to be and push start! That’s it! Video Prospector will then go to work creating your customized prospecting videos, product reviews or any other type of video you want it to make!

Now, if that was all that Video Prospector was able to do then it would already be the most amazing piece of video marketing software ever created. But that’s not all it can do!

Video Prospector reaches out and grabs an image of your potential prospects website and then inserts it into your video. By having the software take an image of the 1st page of their website, the video looks like it was made just for them! This will increase your conversions tremendously!

If your promoting products online, the software will create unique videos by grabbing custom images and screenshots for you automatically. Use this for any affiliate, cpa, Amazon or Clickbank offer to give you that edge over your competition!


  • Pick the product or types of businesses that you wish to target
  • Select your images and enter the duration you want the slides to be
  • Load your voice over or audio files and push start!

Video Prospector Pro 2.5.2

Video Prospector Pro 2.5.2

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