- Name : Easy Eaves
- Version : 2.5
- OS : Windows
- Type : Empire Avenue Marketing Tools, Stock Invest Tools
- Price :
$39 - Homepage : SalePage
Empire Avenue Fast Action Plan.
Once you start reading your Fast Action Plan you will quickly find that to be successful with Empire Avenue you will need to be investing in new users!
Investing in new users as soon as they join at 10 Eaves is the fastest way to earn eaves which you can then use to buy missions.
These missions can be for almost anything! Like Facebook likes, g+, tweets, YouTube actions or almost anything you can dream up that you want people to do for eaves.
These are real socially active people looking to perform tasks for you for eaves. Eaves are the pretend currency in Empire Avenue in case you know nothing about it yet.
To get a ton of eaves to run these missions though you need to invest in new people to Empire Avenue as soon as they join at 10e and then sell them off when they reach 20e, 30e, 40e, 50e, 60e or higher. You can buy up to 200 shares in newbies so this can be very profitable.
The only issue is constantly watching Empire Avenue for the new users that join. They are only at 10e for a minute or less before their value starts to rise.
That is where our software comes into play! It will run in the background on your computer and popup a notification in your task bar every-time a new user joins. Then you just click on the balloon popup and invest in that new user at 10e and go back to whatever it was you were working on previously.
The software allows you to invest in the new users whenever you are around your computer. This will increase your Eaves and net wealth fast. It also will give you more Eaves to run more Missions!
The missions are what makes Empire Avenue so valuable to Internet Marketers. I talk more about that in the Fast Action Guide.