- Name : REP Search
- Version : 1.0
- OS : Windows/MAC
- Type : Local Marketing Tools
- Price :
$20 - Homepage : SalePage
Reputation Management Software Finds Leads From Rip Off Report! And Provides You With Contact information, Reports, Rebuttals, Complaints And More “With Bulk Export Capabilities” PLUS Get Live Training On How To Build Your Own Reputation Management Company Ground Up Easily!
RepSearch – Business In A Box! (Rip Off Report)
To be completely blunt and honest reputation management leads are the easiest to land. They can’t afford to ignore your responses if they have a problem on the web they need to fix it (This isn’t like a physical business) for example: if someone has a comment to make on a store after shopping “it’s up in the air” no one really cares.
But when it’s on the web it stings! Because it shows on the first pages of google.
Over on rip off report you’ll find tons of leads for a variety of different niche areas doctors, dentist, lawyers, restaurants etc. There’s no specific business that’s listed on the site “You’ll literally find all types of businesses” on rip off report.
So why are these businesses being hammered with so many bad reviews? Do they care or do they not. Chances are is that they do and maybe they don’t realize it “Not everyone is computer friendly like you and I”. But in reality believe it or not theres guys out there that just don’t care.
The reputation management space is growing by the minute. More and more businesses are bringing business online.
So we built a complete business in a box system showing you exactly how you can profit from rip off report! But ahead of the competition.
We built a software called rep search and rep search does all the work for you all you have to do is input (a specific) keyword city or state and it will bring in all the leads for you and will let you export it all in bulk contact information, reports, rebuttals, complaints etc.
I’ll also be hosting a LIVE training showing you exactly how you can build a business around RIP OFF REPORT ground up in minutes with out any leg work. Can’t attend the training? No problem it will be recorded and placed in the members area.[/sociallocker]