- Name : Health Niche Lead Generator
- Version : 1.0
- OS : Windows
- Type : Local Marketing Tools
- Price :
$20 - Homepage : SalePage
Software Provides You With Leads In The Health Niche (Any Category) And Looks Through All The Biggest Health Websites Zoc Doc, Healthgrades, Webmb And Returns Doctors Names, Reviews, Websites, Address And Even Lets You Export, Generate Direct Mail Letter Or Even Compose Your Own Rite From The Software (Works On Mac/PC) PLUS Get Live Over The Shoulder Training On How To Close & Build Your Own Consulting Agency Around Any Health Niche.
Health Niche Lead Generator – Business In A Box!
The U.S health market is or “Niche” as we call it in the consulting space is a “$3 trillion dollar market”. And yes I’m talking about chiropractors, dentist, specialist, surgeons, private practices. And oh yea that doesn’t exclude any Wellness centers, gyms. I think you get the point here. It’s a wide open market we like to say and the opportunity in this niche is endless.
But where are these guys going to find get leads? If you don’t know I’ll tell you straight forward an honest zoc doc, health grades, webmd. This is where these guys go to find leads. And believe it or not even craigslist! Yea it caught me off guard too when we found out. For example: we seen a dentist out in “New York (Manhattan” looking for invisalign leads all over craigslist literally spamming craigslist to the max. But it doesn’t end there I’ve seen a variety of others in various categories doing the same exact thing.
These guys are no different then you, me or any own in the brick and mortar field. These guys need leads and business fast. If they don’t market, don’t make it easy for patients to register for appointments, aren’t easily reachable, Don’t have websites etc – They could lose out on a ton of business or worst go out of business.
Yea we are aware they get leads from “insurance” companies as well (referrals) but an insider in the “Health” field told us that that is not a reliable source. In fact these guys are relying more on the (WEB) to bring them leads leaving tons of room for consultants like us to come in and profit big!
So after running several test we come to find that landing clients in this field is fairly easy (lots of consistency of course) but gathering leads is extremely tough. So we built a solution called “Health Niche Lead Generator – Business In A Box”. This is one of the most powerful software’s in our arsenal it’s capable of searching and pulling leads from zoc doc, webmd, health grades and even google all at one time. You as the user can export, generate lead pdf’s or even customize your own direct mail letter rite on the spot. Software provides full names, business name, reviews, websites and even reviews posted on google.
That’s not all! I’m also hosting a live training (LIVE) over the shoulder showing you how to close and build a consulting agency around the health market “No pre-recorded edited videos” – recordings will be provided after we train & answer your questions “Q & A”.[/sociallocker]